Monday, 6 September 2010

ERF LV Lorry 1962

ERF LV Lorry 1962

What is your favourite lorry of all time?

Classic ERF LV Lorry 1962

The initials ERF stood for Edwin Richard Foden, who broke away from his family concern in 1933 and began manufacturing his own diesel lorries. Soon becoming one of the leading manufacturers, operators found that ERF produced a no "frills" range that offered ruggedness and reliability, and often remained loyal to the marque for many years. One of the most popular premium heavy duty four-wheelers of the Sixties was the ERF LV. Introduced in 1962, it was light weight and extremely economical, and was used widely in all types of haulage.

If you would like to find out more about the classic ERF LV Lorry art featured in this guide please click here.

Thank you for reading my guide and I hope you found it interesting!

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